Dear Ones in Christ, Seasons Greetings, In Christ our Lord and precious Redeemer’s
Name. We praise the Lord for bringing us to the end of another challenging and exciting year.
As the Scriptures said, “In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ
Yeshua (Jesus ) concerning you. We want to say a big thank you for all your prayers and
support especially during the time of extraordinary crisis we had this year when the Volta
lake got flooded and the Dam had to be opened, which caused a major disaster for the
first time in our lifetime. We were able to help many families but many still need help, so
be in prayers with us.
Pastoral School 2023: We had Dr. Erskine Dodson from Indianapolis, Indiana here for
five days of training of our leaders in Expository preaching and Hermeneutics
December 5th to 9th. We had twenty-six (26) leaders in attendance, Dr. Dodson has since
returned to the States. Pray that the seed sowed will yield fruits 30, 60, and 100 folds for
the glory of our Lord and Redeemer. We are expecting Dr. Dodson back next year God
willing for another training. If you are burdened by the Lord to come and help with this
ministry of training leaders for the Lord’s ministry, let us know; and we will make the
necessary arrangements, January to April or September to December are the best
times to come, and help, in teaching Biblical Studies, English, youth ministry, women’s
ministry, Children’s ministry, farming, Radio ministry, etc. You can contact me at for details. As Christ said “The field is white for harvest, but the
laborers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send laborers
into the harvest” Matt.9:37-38.
Catfish Project: The small catfish project we started in August this year is doing so well
that we will be able to use some of the fish to help feed the street, Kids, and Orphans, this year.
Protein is lacking in the average Ghanaian daily meal, You will not believe what it means
for these kids to have good protein in their meals. We are planning to repeat this in
- May the Lord richly bless all those who donated to have this project started. All
the children say a BIG THANK YOU!!!
Trip to the States: God willing we will be in the States between April and August 2024,
be in prayers with us for the Lord to provide a van for us to be able to visit the churches.
Annual Street Children Feeding: Our annual Christmas feeding of the street kids went
well over 200 kids last Saturday.
From the GBMG Board and the Quarshie Family, we thank you from the bottom of our
hearts for your faithful sacrificial support. WE WISH YOU A VERY MERRY
Please see the attached News article and pictures. You can also visit our website for
more updated pictures at: