Dear ones in Christ, Greetings in the precious name of Christ our Lord and Redeemer.
SAFE RETURN: My wife and I returned safely on August 8th to meet a joyful family and church members on arrival at the Airport. We praise the LORD and thank all the brethren in the States who made our trip this year an extraordinary one. The support and prayers from the brethren in the Churches we visited can be summarized in this prayer. “The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watered shall be watered also himself.” Proverbs 11:25. May the Lord continue to water all of you from those who prayed, donated, loaned us a van for our itinerary, gave us a place to sleep, fed us, gave us a ride, helped us move and load the supplies etc. May the Lord shower and continue to shower His blessings on you for His glory.
DONATION TO THREE HOSPITALS IN ACCRA: One week after we arrived my attention was called to some URGENT needs in Hospitals in our community. It was for Maternity kits for women who go to the Hospitals for delivery. I found out that some of the donations we received in 2020 from Mission Central has maternity kits in it, I sent samples to Three of the Hospitals in the Madina-Accra Metropolis. The report I received back was shocking, a woman got to the Hospital in labor but had nothing with her and the Hospital had none so the sample I sent was the one they used, VERY SAD. We checked the stock we have and it was over 600 pieces, so we sent 250 pieces each to the big Hospitals and 100 to a family-size one. Their response was overwhelming. One of the large Hospitals said they use 80 pieces a Month and the 2nd large one said they use 40 pieces a Month. The Hospitals are asking for more since it is not easy to come by here, be in prayers with us.

SHIPMENT: We praise the Lord for all the brethren who helped us load the supplies on August 2nd. The shipping Agent said we should expect the shipment to arrive between September 24th and 29th. I am presently working on the document for clearing through Customs before the arrival of the shipment, so we do not end up paying unnecessary charges. Pray with us.
NORTHERN CHURCHES: Last week I received a call from one of the Churches in Northern Ghana that the heavy rain is having a major impact on the clay building. So I sent an SOS to Bro. Ralph who sent us the needed funds to buy cement, sand for the plastering and 2 x 4 lumber for the doors and windows. I am glad to announce that the plastering, the doors and windows work has been done. Our house fence wall is facing the same problem so we got a contractor who is working on it. Praise and pray with us. WATER PROJECT: We spoke about the need for clean drinking water for our brethren in Northern Ghana. We received more than 40 Pine tree Water Filters from Bro. Joe of Faith Baptist Church Hamlin, Pa. a day before we left the States. Earlier Bro Ike of Calvary Baptist Church also bought a Guardian Portable Purifier. We did testing on some of Bro. Joe’s filters at our farm and the brethren enjoyed it. I gave one to one of the Northern pastors who came for a visit to use it until we officially present it to the churches in November which is the beginning of the dry season when water is hard to
Be praying for Bro. Joe is working on the Pine Tree Water Filters with his Brother. We give God the glory and praise him for Brother Joe, and Bro. Ike. Be in prayers for Bro. Joe and his brother as they work on such an important project.
ALIVE FM Community Radio: The transmission problem has been solved and we are back to our original coverage area.
PASTORAL SCHOOL 2022: We are planning to have our annual pastoral school this year from October 24th to 29th. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Dodson and our Topic will be Expository Preaching. Pray for a successful time of training and fellowship.
We appreciate and love all of you for your prayers encouragement and support. May our great God and Saviour Yeshua (Jesus) Christ bless you abundantly.
Thank you for your prayers and support. In His Grace for His Glory,
Noah Quarshie & Family.
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