Dear ones in Christ,
Season’s greetings in Christ our Lord Redeemer and King’s name. It is incredible to see another year coming to an end. It has been a very good and challenging year and we can say with the Psalmist “Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised and his greatness is unsearchable” Psalm 145:3 2021, Despite the rise of the various versions of Covid-19 and the restrictions, the Word of God has not been restricted. We saw a total of twelve Souls saved. Online listeners increased, the Rescue the Children project launched, and a pavilion was built for a church that was worshiping under a mango tree. Alivefm had a new filter Pass to meet government requirements. We celebrated the life of some of our brethren that went home to be with the Lord. Most of the financial needs for the year were met. Thank you for your generosity and prayers. You are true yoke fellows.
Rescue The Children Project: Since the launch of this project in July, we have seen a big impact in Northern Ghana. Our five-day visit in November revealed this fact. A team of eight (8) including Adelaide and myself left Accra at dawn on November 25th. We arrived at Kpandain, Northern Ghana at 3:30 pm.

Construction of a Pavilion: We went to buy some wood for the pavilion construction the same day. The next day the 26th we went for a packet of iron sheeting for the roof. On our arrival at the site I was told the carpenter wanted to construct the roof on the floor before raising it and supporting it with Iron pillars. I challenged him about his idea but he assured me that that is what he does. He started the work at 9:00 am after we got the Chief of the village to grant us the use of the Land for God’s work by 5:30 pm the carpenter had completed the roof work. He then called the leader of the Church, Bro. Francis calls the young men in the village of Damanko to come and lift the roof. Ten young men took the ten Iron Pillars while fourteen (14) young men positioned themselves at the left and right sides of the building. To our utter amazement within ten (10) minutes the roof was up and the pillars were all in place, after straightening the pavilion they put a concrete mix on the pillars and then supported the whole pavilion with some 4×4 x10. The Carpenter assured me that we can use the pavilion the next day for our Marriage seminar. We prayed and returned to the rest house. This project cost $500 more than we projected. Prices had gone up too much. Marriage Seminar: On the 27th of November we went back to the village of Damanko. For the seminar. We arrived there at 8:00 am. The church members had leveled the ground of the pavilion and arranged chairs for the seminar, it was impressive. To God be the Glory. I started the Marriage seminar at 8:30 am and ended at 2:00 pm, All six (6) churches in Northern Ghana were present. I found out that most of them have no knowledge about Christian marriage, I did explain and answered most of their questions. We then gave out some used clothing, stationary, and study materials for the leaders from Chapel Library and GLEAM.
Baptism: I was to baptize 12 new believers but six (6) from the other churches could not come due to transport issues. After interviewing the candidates, we went with the six (6) to standing water under a bridge for the baptism. The Damanko church is called Bible Baptist Church – Fellowship Assembly.
To Kwatape: From there we went to the Kwatape church – Bible Baptist Calvary Assembly. After giving them some encouraging words from the Scriptures they showed us a site for their new building. The old building is now too small for them. Here we gave out Study material for the leaders, clothing and stationery for the kids.
To Lonto: We left for the Lonto Church, Bible Baptist – Faith Assembly. An eighty (80) miles journey took us 3hours. We left Kwatape at 4:30 pm and arrived at Lonto at 7:30 pm. The following day the 28th, we worshiped with the Lonto Church, and after giving them the study material, clothing and stationary we left to Yeji.
ALIVEFM Radio at Yeji: We left Lonto at 9:00 am and got to the Volta lakeside at 11:30, at 1:00pm after crossing the lake another 2-1/2 hour drive for 48 miles. We got to Yeji at 1:00 pm. After crossing the lake. We met our Radio technician who immediately fixed the Cavity Pass Filter we sent there. After fixing it he noticed it was reflecting back to the Transmitter. So he turned it off. We left Yeji on the 29th at 8:00 am and got back to Accra at about 5:30 pm. We give God all the glory for a safe trip to the North an back. See the pictures attached.
Christmas Feeding on December 18th and a Look at 2022: Here at Bible Baptist Church-Accra, we have started our preparation for the yearly feeding, clothing, and stationary giveaway on December 18th. Our concern this year is the cost of everything, which I know is also true in the USA. Please pray with us. Families are having a REAL HARD time providing for their children. We are planning to use $750 to feed 300 kids this year. We will appreciate if you can help us feed them. Matt:25:35
VISION FOR 2022: The Covid-19 challenge that led to the establishment of the Rescue the Children Project is still with us and this is confirming my conviction that we have much more to do as the Apostle Paul said, “Redeeming the Time because the Days are Evil”: Eph,5:16.We are aiming at providing pavilions for three churches at the cost of $1000 each, or $3000 total. Outreach to establish Bible Study and Fellowships in four villages with youth groups, at the cost of $900 each or $3600. Set up one reading room with solar light for all six churches at the cost of $3000. We plan on coming to the States in the spring of 2022. We plan to ship needed supplies for the ministry, our ticket and Shipment is $10,500. Support for the Rescue the Children Project for 2022 is $9600. In all we need to raise $39,300 We will need 7,800 Believers to donate $5 or 3,900 believers to donate $10 to achieve our GOAL in 2022. Will you pray and join us for this eternal dividend cause? We are carrying our Redeemer’s command to the fullest. Matt. 28:19-20. Our THEME for the Year is: “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he that winneth souls is wise.” Prov. 11:30
From the GBMG Board and the Quarshie Family, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your faithful support. And WISH YOU A VERY VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A BLESSED NEW YEAR!!!