Dear Ones in Christ, Greetings in Christ our Lord and Redeemer’s Name.
March Praying and Planning: The month of March was a preparation month for our annual Easter Bible conference, It was all planning and praying for a successful conference. “….The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” James 5:16b Most of the members of Bible Baptist Church fasted every week for the five Wednesdays in March. It was a blessing for all who took part.
April, Annual Spurgeon Bible conference: This year was preceded as usual by the Pastoral school which started on April 4th to 6th. Each day started at 9:00 am with a 45 Minutes break at noon and then returns at 12:45 pm and closes at 4:00 pm for all the 3 days. Leaders from five of the Northern Ghana Churches were in attendance. The topic was church administration. The men praised the Lord and thanked me for the opportunity. The Conference started on Friday, April 7th with the Theme: “Soul Winning God’s Desire for Believers” based on 1 Tim.2:3-4 and Ezek. 3:17-19. We had a total of ten (10) Churches represented including the host church. Friday the 7th was the opening day but Saturday was a full day from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. With five speakers dealing with the why, the who, the what, the how, and the value of Soul winning, there was also a group section dealing with different methods of Soul winning. The conference came to a close on Sunday with a message on the benefit or blessing of Soul winning follow by a baptismal service and a fellowship dinner. The Lord used our catfish to be of great help during the conference, especially during these days of economic hardship. It was all a time of challenging blessing and celebration for the glory of God. Please see attached. Please be in prayers with us that the Lord will continue to provide the resources for His work in these times of economic crisis. It costs a lot to travel to Northern Ghana and equally costs a lot to bring the brethren down to the South for training but God’s work must go on.
The Quarshies: We praise the Lord daily for his wonderful care of us over the years, Adelaide celebrated her 75th birthday yesterday with all the family and friends around, indeed the joy of the Lord is our strength. Ne. 8:10.
The Lord has started extraordinary work in our home; for the past almost three (3) years now. When He gave us our grandson, Yoatham Quarshie on July 7th 2020, We did not know what was ahead. Yoatham wants to learn and do everything he sees us do, he now knows the time to go to Church so he is always ready to go, he is learning to sing hymns, e.g” Great is thy faithfulness” when in Church he sits with the Organist, he wants to learn how to play the organ, at home, he is mostly on me telling me what is not working that need fixing, he wants to help clean the house, help feed the fish, etc. This reminds me of Samuel and Eli in the Bible. He will be three (3) years in July. To God be the Glory.
Deborah is serving the Lord, Enoch is serving the Lord, and Yoatham has been prepared to step in in a big way. Joshua 24:15.We have a mighty God.
Thank you all for being part of what our Great God is doing here in Ghana.
Only eternity will reveal Please keep on praying with us. Rom 15:30
In His Grace for His Glory, Noah Quarshie & Family.