Dear Ones in Christ, Greetings in Christ our Lord and Redeemer’s Name. The
Psalmist said,” Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell
together in unity” Psalm 133:1”.
With everything life throws at us work stress, coaxing the kids to do their
homework, dealing with family illnesses, the departure of loved ones, and getting
food on the table, it can be hard to stay grateful for what matters the most for the
family. When relationships are strained or even when things are going great!, the
Scriptures help us remember the importance of maintaining those strong family
bonds and unity.
May and June: were set aside as family months; all the mothers were given a
special treat on Mother’s Day May 14th; with Hannah as our example of Biblical
Mother. On Children’s Day June 4th, The Sunday school children recited several
Bible memory verses to the joy of all. We presented them with various gifts, pens,
pencils toothpaste etc. The Bible’s message was how Christ was obedient to his
earthly parents. Then come Father’s Day on June 18th. Joseph the earthly Father
of Christ was our Biblical example of a godly father. The Women’s Fellowship
surprised the fathers with a special gift package. The fathers were very thankful.
The Lord blesses a physical and a spiritual family when we truly dwell together
in unity. To Him Be The Glory.
Work in Northern Ghana: The radio Station is doing well, keep us in your
prayers. The churches are doing fine except Naakodo, and Emmanuel Assembly.
A Storm went through the Village in May and removed ten (10) of the iron sheets
on the roof. The Lord provided the fund for the sheets but we need at least $200
for repair work on the building, be in prayer with us.
The School: While we wait for the funds to complete the building, we have just
launched the school online; you can visit us at: When you get to the site the actual name will
be “ Life ultimate purpose Institute” All our courses are the same. We are still
working on it, I will be answering Bible questions weekly on the Blog. If you have
any questions, you can send it to me to answer on the log for others to benefit.
Our Goal is to make the Gospel known!
Finally: We are facing a major challenge here and we need your prayers and
support in donation. I did send a project letter out few weeks ago about it. Illegal
gold miners also known here as “Galamsay” have destroyed all our rivers, and
illegal fishermen have also harvested all the fingerlings in the Volta Lake. As for
the Ocean illegal Fishing trawlers have emptied the Atlantic Ocean in West Africa.
We started a small Catfish backyard farm in our house and is helping us with our
protein needs but we do not want to be selfish while our brethren suffer; so we
need your help to expand the backyard, when we go there we see Children
eating their meal without any fish or meat, very sad. We need $25,000 to start
this project by next Month. If you did not receive the project detail you can let Bro.
Ralph knows and he will send it to you.
The Visit of Sis. Ruth Ward: Last year we had the privilege of hosting Sis. Ruth
from Mission Central for three weeks, she helped the young ladies with
dressmaking. This year she is coming again for two weeks to teach handiwork.
We are anxiously waiting for this visit, pray for her. If you can also visit us and
impact some talent to our people, it will be very much appreciated and the Lord
will reward you for your extra sacrificial service and He will be honored.
Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for all your prayer